We are one entity. Psychological symptoms affect the body and physical symptoms affect the soul – that is a fact.
A toothache affects the whole person, not just the tooth. Back pain will wear you down over time, and sleep disorders will affect your mood.
It is also stressful to experience physical symptoms, when you don't understand their meaning.
You feel helpless, at their mercy, and the suffering is senseless.
The unfortunate reality is that the natural connection between body, mind and soul is often lost in our Western, hectic, success-oriented lifestyle.
It is often thought that the will can subjugate the body. The body needs to be repaired like a machine when it "doesn't work."
This may work in the short term, but it is a big mistake in the long term. Only a harmonious "together and equal" of all parts can make life full and rich.
Symptom constellations provide new insights into what my body wants to express with the symptom.
I suddenly understand what a symptom is trying to tell me. This empowers me to take action and make a difference in my situation. And it connects with my person and my life in a meaningful way. Symptom constellations provide new insights into what my body wants to express with the symptom.
I suddenly understand what a symptom is trying to tell me. This empowers me to take action and make a difference in my situation. And it connects with my person and my life in a meaningful way.
Symptom constellations are the best way to understand chronic symptoms and illnesses, as well as functional complaints and the effects of life-changing illnesses like cancer or a heart attack. They help those affected to understand the meaning and function of their symptoms and illnesses.
By constellating the symptom, new perspectives emerge that provide clear clues to the next steps to take.
You can also test how the next action step affects the individual elements of the system, including the symptom.
The key benefit of using constellations is that you can view the symptom and your circumstances from an external perspective and make changes. They guarantee that additional treatment approaches, which are often necessary, will have a better effect. They also help you take an active role in your own healing.
Any physical or mental symptom can be constellated, without exception.
A symptom constellation typically addresses the following topics:
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